
The information of this web site was prepared with greatest possible care. Faults nevertheless cannot always be avoided. Therefore, the AS Maschinenhandel does not promise, that the liability, correctness, completeness and relevance of the provided information are up to date.

Unless a deliberate or roughly negligent fault is put forward and proved, the AS Maschinenhandel isn't liable for damages of any type, which are caused by the use of the provided information. This also applies to software provided for download free of charge. The AS Maschinenhandel keeps the right to change parts of - or the complete - Internet site, to modify it or to discontinue the site completely at any time.


All contributions and illustrations on this web site are subject to the copyright law and may not be utilized without a written consent by the AS Maschinenhandel. Utilization means: copies, translations, online storage, processing or reproductions of contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. This does not concern the personal, private and non commercial use, as well as the storage in the databases of search engines, which serve to lead the users to this web site.

Privacy Policy

E-mails expose security risks since they can be intercepted and seen by experienced Internet users. In principle, e-mails that include important data should be encoded with common encoding and encryption standards. The AS Maschinenhandel guarantees that all data and information that we receive by e-mail or otherwise are dealt with confidentially and are not forwarded to third parties.
This doesn't prevent the forwarding of information to state authorities (e.g. to law enforcement agencies), as long as German or European law requires such a process.

Responsibility and Liability

Responsible in terms of the law about the use of tele-services ("Teledienstegesetz - TDG") and the "Mediendienste-Staatsvertrages § 6" is the AS Maschinenhandel represented by its owner:


AS Maschinenhandel, Seydali Akyildiz
Welserstraße 10E
51149 Köln

Phone: +49 (0)2203 / 1864856
Fax: +49 (0)2203 / 1864857

mail {at} asmaschinenhandel . de

St. Nr.: 216/5001/4633
Ust.- IdNr.: DE310782196


Despite careful controls as regards to content, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. For the contents of the interlinked sides, their operators are exclusively responsible.

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